Puntata del 05.06.2012
The Clash - rock the casbah
Bruce Springsteen - we take care of our own
Radio Birdman - dark surprise
Loose - death won't kill me
Nicotine Alley - the only way to die
Teresa Mascianà - people
A Toys Orchestra - midnight revolution
Amerigo Verardi & Marco Ancona - stanco stufo stupido e da solo
Metibla - victory
Davide Vettori - personal computer
Laboratorio Musicale C - fobetore
Kardia - la stabilità
Toti Poeta - l'arresa
Husky - fake moustache
Moustache Prawn - crucus
Nicholas J Roncea - one step
Gattamolesta - il figlio del pueblo
Soundgarden - live to rise
Black Manila - england
Spiritualized - hey jane
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