Puntata del 19.07.2012
I.P.E.R. - ancora in piedi
Colapesce - satellite feat. Meg
Marco Sanchioni - comunista con la pancia piena
ES - centro
Felpa - armstrong
Davide Tosches - il lento disgelo
Teresa Mascianà - forever
Mari - mountains
Julie's Haircut - dark leopards on the moon
Awolnation - sail
Husky - history door
Tu Fawning - skin and bone
Walking The Cow - pea
Gentless 3 - loss leader
ES - centro
Felpa - armstrong
Davide Tosches - il lento disgelo
Alice Tambourine Lover - let desires come
Lilith & The Sinnersaints - my babe look like a stranger
Made - she lies
The Sick Rose - she lies
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